Veggies make better lovers!

Age 35, Male


Joined on 10/16/05

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AdamJack's News

Posted by AdamJack - May 20th, 2009

Hand Spider's Story

A long time ago Hand Spider was once a normal little spider with no human body attachments. But then one day the little spider was sick of his ordinary eight spider legs. This made him very depressed. Luckily the little spider found a human hand lying on the hospital floor where he lived. The little spider placed his eight little legs inside the dead hand. Now he was finally different and all the other spiders were very jealous.

Char. 1# Hand Spider

Posted by AdamJack - May 19th, 2009

19th May

The aim of the game is to be sick in people's mouths.
J1mp gave me the idea for this one. :P

Game Design: Sick Cat

Posted by AdamJack - May 18th, 2009

18th May

I hope it's obvious what this .gif is portraying.

Just trying to show the annoyingness of having good ideas but, for what ever reason, never doing anything with them.

Anyone get that?

Wasteful Ideas

Posted by AdamJack - May 16th, 2009

17th May
It's 00:06am in England. :)

This animation comes from another creepy dream I had.

Project Update: I'm having a great time with this project. I've already got a good picture in my head of what I could do with these ideas and how I can piece them together. Keep the good times coming.

Also, if anyone is inspired by any of these idea concepts then feel free to create something from them yourself.

EDIT: Added another leg. I think I need more practicing in drawing a walking sequence. His knees are where his shins should be. D:

If You Can't See 'em Then They're Not Really There

Posted by AdamJack - May 15th, 2009

Making an animation thing EVERYDAY

Woooo! Alright! Let's get enthusiastic!
...or not, whatever.

I tried to do this ages ago but it epically failed. I guess you should call this "make an animation thing everyday 2.0!" ~ no don't, that's lame.

My hopes are to hopefully one day make something out of these idea concepts. Perhaps compile them into a big movie. Do anything! now it's "officially" known to the Newgrounds community, I'll continue with the animation thing. Huzzah! :D

Today's Animation

The Zebra says "How do you do?"
Quite a weird one but I like it. :)

(It's 00:41 on my European clock so it's not clashing with yesterday's animation ~ if you disagree then go eat a nut or something ~ I'm sorry, that was mean)

Make an animation thing everyday!

Posted by AdamJack - May 15th, 2009

Thinking outside the box, inside the box, on top of the box, around the box. I hate that stupid box!

Someone suggested I should change the title to "How to Think Outside the Box" ~ I may do that.

How To Think With A Box

Posted by AdamJack - May 14th, 2009

This came from a dream I had. I dreamt that I was in a crazy hospital (like in the movie "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest") and I kept my craziness in my laptop, which was inside my head. It was such a terrible dream that I had to make this gif.

There's An Angry Laptop Inside My Head

Posted by AdamJack - May 13th, 2009

Something special I brewed up.

Animated: Consumption and Payment

Posted by AdamJack - April 27th, 2009

Video 1

/* */
Reminds me of the old guy in Family Guy.
Artist's website. (under construction)

Video 2

/* */
This is my 2 pence (I don't have any cents). It proves that Disney is only human and I think they should be aloud to cut a few corners once in a full moon.

Video 3

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Yeah. You've probably seen this all over YouTube. Trippy huh.
For more crappy movies check out their website or search for Dingo Pictures in the youtube search bar. Hilarious results.

Video 4

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Angry Video Game Nerd review on Star Wars.
For the rest of the review and more, check out his website.

Video 5

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He's a dwarf... that's sinful!

Video 6

/* */
Yep... another video.

Video 7

/* */
Flash to the past! Get it? FLASH! It's a flash movie... never mind.
Keep in mind Legendary Frog summits movies here on Newgrounds: User page

Video 8, 9 + 10

/* */

/* */

/* */
Gorillaz. Website.
Also, if you feel like it, check out the other videos from Parlophone's youtube page.

I don't know how to end this so...
see ya!

Posted by AdamJack - April 6th, 2009

Come back later when I have something good to say,

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