Well, I just brought my laptop and put a large folder on the desktop after the name of the job/school. That way the people know you atleast prepared yourself, in the folder I just put all my stuff. That was enough for a job but I don't know what a school is suspecting. I guess if you'd just like to show images you print them out and put them in a nice plastic cover. If you like to show animated files bring a laptop.
Make sure that the clothing you wear that day fits the work you're gonna do. If you wear your most expensive Italian suit and you're getting interviewed for a job in the sewers that ain't good. In your case I would just dress up casual, t-shirt with normal pants and a vest is always good. Make sure you shower and heck, even spray a little more parfume than usual.
Sit down when asked to be seated, not earlier. Don't be too stiff with your answers and don't be too loose. If they ask about your hobbies always tell them safe stuff. "I motocross in the weekends and play football every friday" is the answer not to give. Basicly, that means you get injured alot so you miss alot of class. Best answer is computing, gaming, even making animations. That fits the college and is overall safe, unless you own a Wii.
Include everything you ever made that you feel is up-to-date with your current skills. Don't show them an animation you made 3 years ago that even you don't feel good about. Just show 'em what you like best, that's what I did when I got my current job.
This is the hardest, they're gonna ask you difficult questions and you're supposed to give difficult answers. Luckily my current boss was loose and I could get away with:
Boss: "What do you suspect from us?"
Me: "Mainly loan."
That's okay, they laughed and I got hired. I don't think school heads are that affective by humor though. Well I don't have much to say about this, just answer what you feel is right.
Any questions, bring 'em on.
PS. I've had 1 school interview and 3 job interviews and I always got accepted.
Brilliant advice, thanks.
How would you present your work if you were in an interview? I've seen one student decorate a box with his art work and it contained a CD of his other work inside. Sounds too complicated to me.